A new year is here!

Happy New Year everyone!

I’m just a little late with that greeting, I know; here it is January 8 and we’re well into the new year. (Though it may be awhile before we all remember to write 2018 instead of 2017!)

There are two times during the year that I feel that I have a fresh start: in the fall, at the time when I started a new school year for many years; and at the turn of the year, when the Christmas season is over and it feels like a blank slate, a new year full of possibilities and hope. Of course I know it won’t all be great– I have my ups and downs just like everyone else– but just the idea of a new year, a new beginning makes me hopeful for good times to come.

The beginning of the new year is an especially good time to examine our faith and our spiritual connections and rededicate ourselves to our faith. A new Bible study or a new spiritual practice can be helpful in getting us on track. I discovered Art Journaling last year and I hope to find ways to use it to enhance my spiritual life this year. New mission initiatives are also good ways to engage our faith; if you know me you might not be surprised to hear that I have a new idea for mission– watch this space for more information!

However you practice, whether you keep up with something you’re already doing or begin something new, I hope 2018 will be a year of spiritual vitality for you. And if you want to dialogue with me about this, please feel free to comment!


Rev. Sharon

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